FORENSIC Engineering and Analysis

         Investigating and Answering the questions

FORENSIC Engineering Experiences

What factors were behind the property loss or casualty from the vantage point of

19 years of Forensic experience.

Dispute Resolution Engineering

          Fair and Square

Pro-Active Engineering Services

          Prevention and Risk Management

Innovative Engineering and Support and Services

          Product Creation and Support

Artisan Engineering

          Visual Creations

Let Z*Tech be your Professional Engineering Advocate if the facts, common sense, and educated deductions allow for us to act in that capacity.


You provide the information, access to the evidence, access to the scene, access to the persons with direct knowledge, testimony or interviews, and we will work up the analysis. The hard facts and our education, experiences, outside resources, and our training will allow the best possible reassembly of the circumstances that led to the results and events. Reporting is as detailed and comprehensive as you require and authorize. 








elongated collision Diagram.jpg

Engineering/ Scientific based fact gathering, study, analysis and failure analysis are employed to determine what occurred and the factors that were involved.

Experience Matters as does the Versatility because you have to be Know what you know as well as Know what you Don't Know when you are drawing your conclusions. With 19 years of varied experiences we are in the best position to properly manage and distill the case down to the factors of importance.   Please feel free to inquire as to our ability to satisfy your needs on a potential assignment.



Photography from Z*Tech files or other sources.


Residential / COMMERCIAL

Losses investigated have property losses involved: Water, Fire, Mold, Lightning, Fire, Explosion, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection, Construction, Roofing, Hail, Defective Materials, Product Defects, Freezing, Installation Errors, Slips Trips Falls, Liability, Injury Claims and more




We have experience in the areas of: Water, Fire, Mold, Static Electricity, Explosion, Equipment Failures, Fire Protection, Equipment Malfunctions, Electrical, Building Construction, Applicable Codes and Standards, Industrial Accidents, Casualty Situations, Job Safety Analysis, OSHA, Equipment Guarding,  Failure Analysis, Mechanical Engineering and more



Experienced in the areas of Accident Reconstructions, Humans, Animals, Trucks, Cars, Motorcycles, Bicycles, Trailers, Vehicle Systems, Injury Causation, Vehicle Defects, Failure Analysis, Human Factors, Conspicuity, Visibility, Operator Performance, Environmental Factors, Cargo Securement, Cargo Shipping Damage, Black Box Data, Accident RecreationSimulations, Mechanical Failure Analysis, Improper Workmanship, Liability and more

It has been said that most disputes involve "UNREASONABLE" persons and that the "LEGAL" process takes too long.


Let the Z*Tech sound Engineering Analysis and reasonable Judgements help to facilitate the timely and equitable resolution of the matters at hand.  As a matter of fact - "the facts" - should not be in dispute.  Bringing out all the the facts in an unbiased fashion will help guide the resolution and overcome the inherent biases that can be the part of any dispute. There would be no need to complicate the matters with the typical opposing experts when one expert can utilize the facts - and then use them equally from either of the disputing parties perspective.

We would love the opportunity to use the Forensic Engineering skills and Experiences we have acquired for the purposes of Improving the Efficiency, Speed, and Fairness in the Resolution Process!

Let us recommend one of the following LITIGATION, PRE-LITIGATION, or DISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES to you:

SINGLE JOINT EXPERT - This service utilized in Europe, somewhat contrary to the adversarial relations that exist in our legal system, but would be a logical growth area with the evolution of Meditations for Resolution.  Lets simplify the matter and get started immediately to investigate and analyze on behalf of all the parties. Examples cases might include an accident reconstruction, a suspected construction defect, or a suspected product defect. It may just be as simple as looking at a few photographs and generation of opinions. It may be extensive and intrusive and involve significant testing and interviewing. This can include prerequisite questions that need to be answered by the involved parties. It could include comprehensive presentations to both parties.  It may require follow on work to answer challenge questions from either side, or some follow on work with new information to wrap it all up.

INCIPIENT PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS - let us help you get a handle on the identified problems sooner than later because problems almost never correct themselves and an immediate solutions can mitigate other problems. A early thorough diagnosis can best determine what the causes were and where the responsibilities lie. Early diagnosis always leads to better corrective options as opposed to remediation options.

IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLANNING - let us help you make the best possible things happen sooner than later and not stand around pointing fingers.

ENGINEER UMPIRE SERVICES - let us be the someone that assists in determining what is fair. The sooner we get here - the sooner the resolution can be obtained.

SHADOW ENGINEER / MEDIATION SUPPORT / CONSULTANT - let us act as your private and knowledgeable asset working directly for you in your case. Your best action may be to use Z*Tech to help you make your side of the case - and by assisting you in taking away the other experts thunder.

EXPERT WITNESS - let us testify on behalf of your client, to the extent that the facts or deductions we can opine can be useful.


At the costs of anguish, time,money, pain, worry, and suffering or worse, Z*Tech would prefer to assist you in preventing circumstances Rather than ending up with a circumstance that would require our FORENSIC services.


The critical reviews of process, procedures, education and training and human factors can allow multi faceted perspectives of Z*Tech to be beneficial and assist you in the arena of prevention. Inquire about how our complimenting services, to the sources of expertise which you presently utilize in your endeavors, to find out how teaming together with Z*Tech can make a beneficial difference.





Proactive APPROACH REQUIRED Checklist:                    

1.    Do you SUSPECT / KNOW that there might be a problem? If you suspect then your intuition is probably right and you need to ACT. 

2.    Do you SUSPECT / KNOW that if that problem, if it were realized, would have some significant NEGATIVE ramifications:

   -   On the Company

               -  On YOU

                                          or-  On one of your Employees or Family

3.    Do you WANT to do the RIGHT THING?

You may not realize what you don't know - but ignorance is generally not the most desirable approach.

If you suspect a problem then just inquire with Z*Tech. The best case scenario would be that we would quell your concerns. The worst case would be that you might be utilizing our services to guide you toward solutions.

Look at these situations from the vantage point of being involved in legal proceedings and you having to answer truthfully about what you KNEW, DID DO, or worse yet what you DID'T DO with a skilled attorney working against you asking some DIFFICULT and HARD questions.

                                  STOP - Take time to think about the situation

                                  CHECK - With others to verify the situation

                                  DECIDE - To be Proactive

            4. CONTACT Z*TECH and Inquire as to how we can assist you.

            MAKE A DIFFERENCE -  For your sake and others.


Some of the areas we can possibly assist you are:

  • Fire and Explosion Prevention
  • Risk Analysis
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Risk Management
  • Residential / Industrial / Commercial
  • Fire Protection
  • Failure Prevention
  • Product Liability Prevention
  • Field and Site Investigations
  • Consulting

Or You Could ADD US to your TEAM.


There is nothing more exciting than that which comes of creation of new and innovative "WOW" solutions to old and ongoing problems.


Z*Tech has experience in leadership, risk management, project management, product design, product engineering, scientific analysis, system engineering, specifications, and product development, product testing, in a variety of industries.

Inquire with us to see what synergistic effects we can muster together to tackle your old problems with new and improved solutions. 

We have been working in the area of new product development and solving problems for years. Let us lend you a hand in identifying one of the next big things.



The above photographs document some of the more substantial product and system experiences we have participated in within the transportation, lighting, systems engineering, heavy equipment, and electronics packaging areas.

We have experience in the following areas to assist you - please inquire with Z*Tech on your specific desires, needs, timelines, and achievement goals that your interested in.

  •                 Ideation
  •                 Brainstorming
  •                 Product Line Assessment
  •                 Current and Future Technology Assessment
  •                 Product Line Expansion
  •                 System Engineering
  •                 Product Development Management
  •                 Risk Analysis
  •                 Risk Management
  •                 New Product Development
  •                 Product Specifications
  •                 Product Mechanical Design
  •                 Materials Selections
  •                 Design for Manufacturing
  •                 Engineering Drawings
  •                 Engineering Analysis
  •                 FMEA
  •                 Product Industrial Design
  •                 Product Documentation
  •                 Product Support Planning
  •                 Product Instructions
  •                 Product Testing
  •                 Product Validation
  •                 Product Quality
  •                 Consulting

*Or Better Yet:  Just Add ME to your TEAM


Engineering and Art belong together as a part of a bigger more interesting view for all to experience.


The aesthetic appearance of any engineered utilitarian or artistic creation, when properly presented, should invoke human interest and attention - if not awe.

My present interests are presently in Wood Sculpture, Photography and in Sketching. A few of my created favorites are displayed here.

Engineering integration with art can be a necessity and I am here to offer services to support those efforts. Art mustbe safe stand on its own - so to speak.

An image or an object can create thoughts, emotions, feelings an attraction or even a repulsion. What do you experience from your perspectives?  Nothing is ever universal interpreted as we are all different in a world of ways!